a table set with wine glasses and flowers
Wedding Services

Unrivaled Events & Catering in Garden City, NY

Unparalleled Care

Count on the expertise of a dedicated team of professionals whose calling is to ensure every detail of your wedding day is flawless. Let the experts at Long Island’s most prestigious wedding destination help you make your dream vision the celebration of a lifetime.

a woman playing chess in a room

Preferred Vendors

Trusted Partners

From florists and photographers to live music and entertainment, our team can help you through the planning process with a vetted list of professional vendors who are deeply invested in the success of your day.

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a man and woman kissing in front of a building

Press Articles

Love Notes

Discover why our iconic hotel is the perfect backdrop for stunning weddings, as featured in national publications, on popular blogs, and across wedding planning websites. Read on but know, it’s even more dazzling than it sounds.

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Make It Unforgettable

a table with flowers on it

Engagement Parties & Rehearsal Dinners

It all begins with a fun, entertaining, and fitting engagement party that expresses your style, love, and friendship. Whether you’re keeping it simple or going all out, this is the ideal place to kick off your wedding adventure.

a group of people sitting at a table with flowers

Farewell Brunches

Prepare for a culinary feast to delight even the most discerning palate. Our brunch offerings range from custom omelets, carved meats, and fresh sushi to oven-hot bread, pastries, and decadent desserts.

a group of women holding wine glasses

Bridal Showers

Focus on the party favors and shower games; we’ll see to the rest. We offer an array of settings to honor the guest of honor with a cocktail party, a bridal tea, or a groom's luncheon, including the Private Dining Room inside Red Salt Room by David Burke.